46. From Bari to Alicante, Italy-Spain (2018)

At the beginning of 2018 Dee and I travelled to the south of Italy (lower frames Posignano and Matera) and east of Spain.... and nine months later we had a beautiful son we named William (Memo). 

Spain: Alicante, two upper frames and Italy: Posignano a Mare in Puglia and Mattera in Basilicata.

This particular painting is close to us and fortunately has stayed in the family. I much hope it brings joy and beautiful memories in the years to come.

Guillermo Aranda-Mena Ⓒ2023


Anonymous said…
Thank you, Guillermo.
Your paintings have now had their very own voyage at the Artful Yoga Gallery and some will continue their journey in the homes of your friends and family who will appreciate them and remember your open-heartedness in sharing them. No doubt you feel pleased at the wonderful success of your exhibition, along with the enjoyment your family and friends found in the depiction of your travels.
I am very much looking forward to finding a space for “From Bari to Alicante”, and reflecting on the most wonderful gift those two places represent and how you, Dearne and Memo are united in love.

My thoughts will be with you on Monday as you take your exhibition from the gallery walls. Perhaps, as with many memories, cherished in our hearts and minds, it can be hard when it is over. However, in having the twin gifts of imagination and memory, we can not only relive the past but also look forward to new adventures on the great voyage of life. Here I am reminded of T.S. Eliot’s poem:

“Time present and time past
Are both perhaps present in time future,
And time future contained in time past.
If all time is eternally present
All time is unredeemable…”
